Faculty & Staff Groups & Resources

Connecting Across Campus

yzcca88游戏登录网址支持许多代表我们学校多样性的团体. From student organizations, to faculty and staff associations, DU hopes to foster and support affinity groups of all kinds.

Affinity Groups    Employee Resources

Affinity Groups

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Association of Sisters in Higher Education

Association of Sisters in Higher Education (ASHE) supports, empowers, and mentors Black women at the University of Denver through cultural fellowship, enrichment, and an exchange of ideas. The group is not exclusive to black women; therefore we value and welcome all women faculty and staff at the University of Denver. However, the core focus of group discussions, activities, and initiatives will be issues that are germane to black women.

Co-Chairs: Yasmaine Ford, Yasmaine.Ford@mindtinkering.com and Natley Farris, Natley.Farris@mindtinkering.com

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Black@DU的使命是为yzcca88游戏登录网址的黑人教职员工提供一种文化和社交网络氛围. 该组织致力于通过营造一种吸引人的校园氛围来提高杜克大学黑人体验的质量, unified, encouraging, and promotes upward mobility. Black@DU exists to enhance communication and champion diversity, inclusion, opportunity and social justice—while challenging racism within the University.

Chair: Effley Brooks, Effley.Brooks@mindtinkering.com

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Faculty of Color Association

杜克大学有色人种协会(FOCA)是一个自愿授权和倡导组织,由来自大学社区中代表性不足的种族和族裔群体的教师组成. 会议每月在星期二和星期三交替举行-发送电子邮件到 inclusion@mindtinkering.com to be added to the FOCA Teams.

Chair: Duan Zhang

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Faculty Women's Association (FWA)

FWA的成员包括所有的教员、终身教授、终身教授、非终身教授和兼职教授. Objectives include, providing a support network to all faculty women in the campus community, sponsoring programs concerned with professional development, 传播对女性教职员工利益至关重要的大学实践和政策信息. Contact inclusion@mindtinkering.com for more information.

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Hermanas Latinas

Hermanas Latinas为yzcca88游戏登录网址的拉丁裔教师和研究生提供了一个空间.

Liaisons: Deb Ortega, Debora.Ortega@mindtinkering.com and Maria Salazar, Maria.Salazar@mindtinkering.com


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Queer Faculty Association (QFA)

QFA通过倡导来支持LGBTQ和有问题的校园教师, scholarship, and social networking. QFA的工作是连接整个大学的酷儿教师,并确保杜是一个肯定所有酷儿学生的空间, staff, and faculty.  

Co-Chairs: Frederique Chevillot, Frederique.Chevillot@mindtinkering.com and Inna Altschul, Inna.Altschul@mindtinkering.com

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Queer University Employees (QUE)


Co-Chairs: Gabe Fischer Gabriel.E.Fischer@mindtinkering.com & Elise Goss-Alexander Elise.Goss-Alexander@mindtinkering.com

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Sistah Network

Sistah Network致力于帮助yzcca88游戏登录网址的黑人女性研究生应对她们面临的与研究生社会化和学术坚持相关的普遍挑战. Examples of community development include two meetings per quarter, quarterly writing workshops, faculty and resource connections, and defense practices.

Liaison: Anthea Johnson Rooen, Anthea.Johnson@mindtinkering.com

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Staff of Color Association (SOCA)

有色人种协会(SOCA)致力于促进yzcca88游戏登录网址历史上未被代表的种族和民族的员工的利益和倡导. 我们尊重和庆祝我们文化的多样性,并通过1)p积极为大学做出贡献roviding members with a supportive community and brave spaces, 2) fostering belonging for all intersecting experiences, 3) sharing knowledge about the campus climate, 4) p为整个大学招聘不同的候选人提供支持;5)establishing meaningful connections between staff, students and faculty of color.

Co-Chairs: Katia Miller, Katia.Miller@mindtinkering.com and Waltrina DeFrantz-Dufor, Waltrina.DeFrantz@mindtinkering.com

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Women's Coalition

The DU Women’s Coalition creates and fosters a University of Denver culture that values and empowers all women; it is the umbrella organization to which all six University of Denver women's groups belong.

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Women's Leadership Council (WLC)

The Women’s Leadership Council includes women serving on the Deans’ Council, in the Provost’s Office, and in executive roles at the University of Denver. This group seeks to use its unique influence to engage the campus and its leadership on strategic issues relating to women; advocate for women’s opportunities and issues across campus; and build relationships on and off campus to foster mentorship and professional development for women at the University of Denver.

For more information, contact WLC Co-Chairs: Kathy Aliaga, Assistant Dean of Finance and Operations at Katherine.Aliaga@mindtinkering.com or Cheryl Miller, Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer, at Cheryl.Miller@mindtinkering.com or Tammy Schneider, Assistant Dean for Business and Operations, at Tammy.Schneider@mindtinkering.com.


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Women's Staff Alliance for Networking and Development (WAND)

妇女工作人员网络和发展联盟(WAND)致力于通过倡导的方式帮助yzcca88游戏登录网址的女工作人员发挥她们作为雇员的最大潜力, education, development, networking and leadership.

For more information, contact inclusion@mindtinkering.com

Employee Resources

Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Empowerment (CAPE)

CAPE (the Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Empowerment) at the Health and Counseling Center, offers free and confidential 幸存者倡导组织为所有遭受过性侵犯的大学员工和学生提供支持, domestic violence, stalking, and/or harassment. These services include help navigating legal and university reporting systems, accessing medical care and counseling referrals, or simply being a safer, confidential place to talk about something that has happened. 

Assistant Director: Ashley Hunt 

cape@mindtinkering.com or call 303-871-3853

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Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Division of DEI is committed to providing leadership, guidance, 以及支持yzcca88游戏登录网址致力于建设一个更加多元化和包容性的机构的资源.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


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Human Resources & Inclusive Communities (HRIC)


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Latinx Center at the University of Denver

The Latinx Center advances critical interdisciplinary research, scholarly and creative work, and curricular development related to the historical, political, cultural, and intellectual legacy of Latinx people. 

Director: Deb Ortega, inclusion@mindtinkering.com

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Native American and Indigenous Initiatives

为在读学生提供支持,并通过发展与当地的关系参与社区关系, regional and national Native communities.

DEI副主任|美国原住民与原住民倡议:史蒂夫·李; Stevie.Lee@mindtinkering.com

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Religious and Spiritual Life


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Staff Senate

SAC fosters collaboration with staff and members of the University community, including the offices of the chancellor and provost, University leadership and faculty members from many units on campus; lobbies to get policies and procedures implemented that directly affect all staff members' morale, interests, working conditions and professional development.

Contact: staffsenate@mindtinkering.com 

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Veterans Services

退伍军人为yzcca88游戏登录网址提供了独特的学术和社会品质, 退伍军人服务办公室的愿景和使命是通过特殊的计划来支持我们的退伍军人.

Director: Damon Vine, Damon.Vine@mindtinkering.com

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Whites Organizing for Racial Consciousness (WORC)

WORC是一个非正式的校园网络,为DU社区成员提供空间,支持种族正义,以及白人在与有色人种团结一致建设一个更公正、更公平的社区方面的责任. (Any discussion of identity is intersectional; however, the focus of this group is to discuss racial identity.)

Co-Facilitators: Trisha Teig, and Chase McNamee – worc@mindtinkering.com

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